Loïc officially joins L'As Décors
At L'As Décors, we're always on the lookout for promising talent to add to our team, and it's with great pride that we welcome Loïc as our newest employee. His career path, which began with a work-study program with our company, culminated in his being hired after graduating with honors from the Bac Pro Menuisier Agenceur program at the Lycée Corot in Beauvais.
A career marked by commitment and success
During his work-study program, Loïc stood out for his seriousness, creativity and ability to quickly integrate the skills needed for our business. He skilfully combined the theory he learned at the Lycée Corot with the practice he acquired at L'As Décors, forging a solid experience in the field of joinery and fittings. His efforts were rewarded with a diploma, crowning a year of hard work and passion for his craft.
Invaluable collaboration with Lycée Corot
This recruitment is also the fruit of a long-standing partnership with the Lycée Corot, a school renowned for the quality of its training in housing and commercial professions. We work closely with this high school to provide students with opportunities to put their skills into practice in a real-life professional setting. What's more, by regularly supplying materials such as leftover wood and flooring, we directly support the students' practical work, helping them to perfect their skills.
A commitment to sustainability and training young talent
Loïc's integration into our team illustrates our commitment to training young talent and supporting sustainable practices. By reusing materials as part of our partnership with Lycée Corot, we are helping to reduce our ecological footprint while promoting the practical education of future woodworking professionals.
We are convinced that Loïc will make a significant contribution to our company, and we look forward to seeing how his talent and energy will enrich our future projects. His career path, from work-study to employment, perfectly symbolizes our philosophy of supporting and developing young talent.